If We Could Just Fix This One Thing
Energy Changemakers community members describe what one change could hasten the energy transition
Energy Changemakers community members describe what one change could hasten the energy transition
The decentralized grid is an electric network of distributed energy resources that interact with each other or with the central grid to improve efficiency, lower costs, reduce emissions and provide greater local control of energy assets.
How did this small New Mexico co-op, far from the energy innovation meccas of California and New York, become a model for community energy? And can others follow its lead?
Hydrogen blending lowers carbon dioxide emissions from natural gas generators, but It also can increase nitrogen oxides. What can be done about this?
How non-pipeline alternatives create opportunities for distributed energy resources
Ameresco, Arc Motor Company, ARENA, Community Electricity, CPower, Google, Intellihub, Maine, NYSERDA, OhmConnect, Pennsylvania Turnpike and Sunnova made this year’s list.
If Maine goes forward with the DSO, it will be the first US state to do so.
Well known energy analyst and writer, Peter Asmus, faced red tape and confusion when he tried to install solar plus storage on his home. If it was hard for him, what’s it like for the rest of the world?
A coalition of clean energy groups argue that adding solar to rooftops would move California more quickly to 100% renewables than building large land-based projects.
Distributed energy supporters have floated the DSO concept for years, but no state has yet to brave its complexity. Enter Maine.