Community Solar Economics: How money is made, saved, and even sometimes lost
Rob Hong of Sapling Financial Consultants explains community solar economics on the Energy Changemakers Podcast with Elisa Wood.
Rob Hong of Sapling Financial Consultants explains community solar economics on the Energy Changemakers Podcast with Elisa Wood.
Household investment in energy is on the rise as consumers install more distributed energy resources in their homes
A moonshot goal for distributed energy resources could get us all rowing in the same direction and quicken the pace of local energy development.
WeaveGrid explains what it takes to
bring together two very different industries with the rise of EV charging.
So what exactly do Energy Changemakers members talk about in the private community? Here’s a chance to eavesdrop for 12-minutes.
Transcript of a fascinating exchange inside the Energy Changemakers community between John A. “Skip” Laitner, William Prindle, and Lorenzo Kristov.
Energy Changemakers community members describe what one change could hasten the energy transition
The decentralized grid is an electric network of distributed energy resources that interact with each other or with the central grid to improve efficiency, lower costs, reduce emissions and provide greater local control of energy assets.
EV charging stations may influence how we spend time, gather, and maybe even where we live.
How non-pipeline alternatives create opportunities for distributed energy resources